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Woah, Photoshop

3 Jan

I know this is probably old news for most people, but I just stumbled on it so I had to share.  So, I love the Pioneer Woman as most of us do.  But, I typically stick to the food posts and don’t peruse the rest of the site often.  However, her photography is amazing to me, and she has a great way of explaining things in layman’s terms so that even I can understand all the new lingo I’m trying to learn regarding my new camera.  Well, between reading about Christmas recipes and what the heck is an aperture on her site, I stumbled on several Photoshop Actions that I love. 

I’ve dabbled in Photoshop for a while, but I would in no way call myself Photoshop savvy.  I don’t even know how to create Actions on my own (can you even do that?), but what I can do is click a button from downloaded actions I got of the PW website. 

So I started with this photograph and played around with the actions I downloaded.  I’m in love.



PW’s B&W

Old West:



And finally one crazy one where I combined 3 ( burned edge, seventies and sharpen):

And best of all, there is a button that let’s you start all over when you mess something up, or if you just want to try something different.  I barely even scratched the surface with the options you have in front of you with this download.  So go play!  I hope you have as much fun with it as I have!